Letter: Free Staters ramp up attack on NH
Published: 08-13-2024 12:19 PM |
"Where is Galt's Gulch? It's in New Hampshire!" That was the message last month from former Maine state Sen. Eric Brakey to the Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. Brakey moved here to lead the Free State Project to the next level. Their 88-plus New Hampshire candidates are being funded with over $1 million from Texas-based Young Americans for Liberty. Almost all run as Republicans, but they are actually libertarians.
In case you didn't read libertarians' favorite fantasy, "Atlas Shrugged," in high school, "Galt's Gulch" is their utopia. It's where their heroes go after America is destroyed by people who don't believe in unfettered capitalism. To a libertarian Free Stater, "freedom" means all property is private, with no regulations on pollution, finance, food safety or anything else.
Many of those in the Free State movement are just naive. "Why not do drugs and anything else I want without rules?" "The majority shouldn't be able to pass laws telling me what to do." However, those funding libertarians are billionaires. They are the same people behind J.D. Vance: Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, the Koch network. They want to be rid of rules constraining their cybercurrencies, their pollution, their power. And they want to start here, in New Hampshire.
Granite State Matters is one of the groups fighting Free State takeover of New Hampshire. It strives to inform the New Hampshire public, before elections. After Nov. 5 will be too late.
Jeanne Dietsch, Granite State Matters