Funds approved for culvert work
Published: 12-03-2024 8:30 AM |
Traffic and water could soon be flowing a bit smoother on and under Herrick Road in Lyndeborough, as the Select Board has voted unanimously to approve the use of $100,000 in ARPA funds to replace a culvert under the road and build a retaining wall.
Road Agent Rick McQuade presented bids to the board Wednesday for a culvert under the road and the accompanying retaining wall, which will be replaced by two local firms. The Landsite Corp. of Antrim proposed replacing the culvert for $52,483. The Leighton A. White Company of Milford will provide gravel for a retaining wall at a cost of $47,517.
The funds for this project are already available to the town, as they were provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Town Administrator Russ Boland said Monday that the stretch over Herrick Road is not on the state’s red list of bridges in urgent need of repair.
“There are issues with blockage there with less water passing through it than should be the case,” said Boland, adding that he anticipates the work will not be done until after winter. McQuade said at the meeting that the work should only take two days at most when it does commence.
In other news, the Select Board confirmed that plans to correct the sagging beams at the foundation of Citizens’ Hall under the police station has yet to be finalized.