New Ipswich Historical Society schedules annual meeting

Published: 09-12-2024 8:00 AM

New Ipswich Historical Society will hold its annual meeting Saturday, Sept. 14, at 1:30 p.m. at the New Ipswich Museum of History, 72 Academy Road.

A brief business meeting will be followed by keynote speaker Patricia Kangas Ktistes, who will describe her experience of interviewing Finnish-Americans in New Ipswich and surrounding communities in the late 1990s. Ktistes’ presentation, “FINNS:  An Oral History of Finnish-Americans in New Hampshire’s Monadnock Region,” will highlight many of the stories that she included in her master’s thesis.

In addition to sharing anecdotes and airing audio clips from her interviews, she will make recommendations for collecting family histories before elders pass and their knowledge and experiences are lost to time. 

Ktistes was born in New Ipswich in 1952, and attended town schools through ninth grade. She moved out of state with her family in 1967. In 1987, she earned a bachelor’s degree from Colby-Sawyer College and received her master’s degree at Dartmouth College in 1997. She and her husband reside in Rockport, Mass., and have two daughters and five grandchildren.

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