Letter: Support library in New Ipswich
Published: 02-16-2023 9:00 AM |
Why support our local New Ipswich library? Because as one of the few libraries in New Hampshire where the services are open to the public but managed, as in our case, by a nonprofit association, we must annually ask our fellow residents through a warrant article to supplement the operating budget.
As everyone is experiencing increased utility bills and maintenance costs and general costs of living, so do your local nonprofit service providers. The New Ipswich Library has been a public library serving the townspeople since the 1800s and in its current location since 1895. A building of this age requires constant care, all the while trying to stay current, relevant and serve the community as required in 2023. The library trustees and staff carry a heavy load of responsibility to both the heritage of the building in our care but also to ensure that the library provides proper resources, programming and educational opportunities to all ages who make New Ipswich their home.
How well a community cares for and supports its library says volumes about that community. To my fellow residents of New Ipswich, please vote to support our library warrant article No. 7 at the annual meeting (second session) on March 14.
Gretchen Rae
New Ipswich