Letter: Fiscal process is flawed

Published: 01-24-2023 9:01 AM

Apologies for getting to this a little late in the news cycle. “Budget talks begin” came out a couple weeks ago (Jan. 5). I read the front page part – up 11 percent - and just groaned to myself. Then the spin started; I quickly grew tired of that and moved on.

Over the weekend, though, I finally finished the story and was completely floored. Abolish the Budget Committee? Because the administration does such a good job? The same administration that lost $2.5 million to an internet scam? The same administration that was not aware of what their credit limit was when proposing the new fire station?

Years ago, I was talking to a newly sworn-in member of the Budget Committee. At their first meeting they were pulled aside by a senior member and told, “Don’t expect to make any waves here. We go along to get along.” Maybe the quote’s not exact, but that was the gist of it.

So yeah, maybe abolishing the Budget Committee isn’t such a bad idea, provided it is replaced by someone or something with the knowledge, authority and perhaps most importantly, skepticism, that is required of anyone in the area of fiduciary responsibility. Because from what I can see, with the exception of “authority,” we have none of the other traits in any part of the fiscal process.

Ending this with a sort of unrelated question – can anyone explain to me the shell-game of TIFs? 

Rick Villaume



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