Letter: Accept, adjust and adapt

Published: 02-16-2023 9:00 AM

To avoid obsolescence, people must stop fighting and/or reclaiming Civil War-type lost causes, and rather focus on ever-changing present reality. 

Relative peace and success in the here and now are found by applying Triple-A – by accepting, adjusting and adapting to what actually is, rather than wanting what isn’t and/or can’t be. As creatures of habit, humans get invested in the status quo, rather than face the anxiety of change. Thus, it’s easy to get needs and wants very confused. Unhealthy attachment and/or aversion disorders often result, along with needless suffering.

Applying Triple-A is an unfolding, often challenging process, rather than a quick-fix easy event. It takes courage to show up each day, but with each step, valuable insight will emerge. Natural missteps can be reframed as valuable learning opportunities. Self-criticism is minimized when one’s inner narrative is compassionate toward self. When painful feelings surface, ideally they should be honored by naming them, like “I’m sad, mad, anxious and/or lonely.” Otherwise, such resisted “stuff” stays stuffed, where it festers.

“IALAC,” which stands for “I am lovable and capable,” is the core affirming essence of every human being. In fact, the life force, the higher/greater power, God, the divine, the source and presence, the Buddha, the Tao or any other spiritual terminology is in all life at all times. Triple-A provides the graceful, kind and loving means for healthy, meaningful life, if one puts it to use.

Mike Beebe

