Editorial: Share thoughts on ConVal study with us

Published: 09-26-2023 1:58 PM

What should the ConVal School District look like in the future? Prismatic Services wants to know what residents think, and so do we.

Prismatic is conducting public forums for ConVal’s Strategic Organization Committee in each of the district’s nine towns to solicit opinions, as it researches potential options to deal with chronic low enrollment. At the forums, residents are asked to rank four potential options: combining at least some elementary schools, combining as many schools as possible, including middle schools; moving fifth- and sixth-graders back to elementary schools or leaving ConVal as it is.

These are not being presented as final options for vote, just options to rank. Although the presentation and wording of the options seems a bit leading, we hope that doesn’t mean someone has decided what final options might be. We applaud the ConVal school board for seeking input before making recommendations and hope that through the information-gathering process, a best idea emerges. 

An online survey is also available, though we suspect only the most passionate among us will complete it. If you do take it, it will be helpful to know that 2023 elementary school enrollments range from 37 at Temple Elementary School to 243 at Peterborough Elementary School. You might study the district budget, too, before getting started.

There is no silver bullet, or the school board would not have hired an expensive consultant. All options will have trade-offs, and the best we can hope for is a solution that best serves students and taxpayers in the district. Those of you in the region 10 years ago may recall that this was a contentious issue. But time, higher tax bills and population turnover can change dynamics. Doing nothing may be the most-costly solution, so let’s work together to develop a plan.

Please send letters to the editor to share your ideas and views. It will help us shape our coverage of this important issue and help us understand your concerns and the information you need to understand the issues.  Send letters – 300 words or less, with your name and town (plus a phone number for verification only) – to news@ledgertranscript.com. Letters should advocate a position, and please keep them civil.