Editorial – Share what matters to you

Published: 04-25-2023 12:50 PM

We’re debuting our Hometown Heroes program focusing on people whose efforts make the community better. Our first profile is of Kathleen LaRue, who is working to fight hunger in her role as director of the food pantry at the United Church of Jaffrey. We thank the Savings Bank of Walpole for its support of this monthly series and encourage you to nominate your hero at ledgertranscript.com/SpecialPages/Hometown-Heroes.

Our expanded business section, Business Quarterly, is also part of this issue. We look at housing, including the state of housing in the Monadnock region and the status of local housing projects. We also have local experts on real estate, planning and land use providing predictions about the market and advice on ways towns can work to increase their housing stock, particularly affordable or workforce housing. In addition, we have a column with personal finance recommendations.

Inside, you’ll find our spring Active Aging supplement. This edition includes a feature on Elaine Duclos, who is tapping her own maple trees at 77, as well as articles that include strength and mobility tips, estate planning, ways to keep up with gardening trends and information on lifelong learning.

We hope you find each of these specials, as well as our regular news coverage, informative, relevant and interesting. As part of our effort to serve our readers, we want to know what you want to see in the newspaper and online. We know you’re busy and appreciate that you spend time reading the Ledger-Transcript. We want to do all we can to bring you the news and information that adds value to your day. In the coming weeks, we will launch a reader feedback program. In the meantime, please send us  your thoughts, suggestions, ideas and letters to the editor. 

And if you’re at an event you think others should know about,take some pictures, write some captions, tell us what’s going on and send it to us. We can’t be everywhere, but our readers are, so we value what you share with us.

Send all your thoughts and events by email at news@ledgertranscript.com. Thank you for your support.
