Letter: Assertions distract from work

Published: 02-14-2023 10:00 AM

I wish to clarify misstatements in the article regarding the Dublin Planning Board (“Planning Board chair and vice chair resign,” Feb. 7). It was implied that my actions at a public hearing were influenced by a Select Board member. My motion to have the warrant article sponsors not participate as active members of the Planning Board at the hearing was based solely on my concern about impartiality. I believe Dublin residents deserve a transparent and impartial review process.

There is widespread concern that the warrant article sponsors cannot be impartial evaluators of their own proposal. They compare themselves to legislators proposing legislation. Planning Board members are not elected to propose legislation. They are elected to work together primarily to ensure that land-use provisions are enforced equitably and in accordance with the town ordinance and to propose new rules or amended rules. This article was proposed by individuals without the benefit of research and input from the Planning Board and without appropriate community engagement.

One member who signed but was not a sponsor acknowledged apparent bias and recused himself. My motion to ask the sponsoring members to step down passed. It was their choice to step down or not. The vote is only advisory under state law. The full member chose not to step down and the alternate chose not to serve. The motion did not strip them of their rights as citizens to discuss the proposal.

It is to Dublin’s detriment that we did not have a reasoned discussion regarding the need for impartial review. More importantly, the real issue – the justification for this warrant article – has not been adequately addressed. It is painful that unfounded assertions are being used to distract from the real work of our board.

Donna Garner

Dublin Planning Board
