Letter: Ward has done an outstanding job

Published: 04-25-2023 12:46 PM

I am writing in support of Tyler Ward for the Peterborough Select Board so that he can continue doing the outstanding job that he has done representing the interests of all residents of Peterborough.

I know from personal experience serving alongside of Ward for four years as a fellow member of the Select Board just how knowledgeable and effective he is. He fully understands the financials, the budget process, and his style of asking thoughtful and challenging questions to understand and learn is a very strong qualifying strength that he has.

In addition to his knowledge of all these matters, he is a very caring, fair, unbiased human being who cares for and listens to all people, and he realizes and works to do all things to protect our environment and our land and do what it takes to deal with the climate and energy crisis that is looming.

I urge you to go to the polls and vote on Tuesday, May 9, for Tyler Ward for the Peterborough Select Board.

Ed Juengst

