Letter: Temple Town Meeting was impressive

Published: 03-23-2023 9:00 AM

I attended our Town Meeting last Saturday and came away feeling grateful to live in Temple. Moderator Phil Lauriat set the tone for respectful communication with good humor and a thorough knowledge of the rules of a successful community gathering.

Hard-working and well-informed volunteer committees, road agents and volunteer fire department personnel all displayed their expertise and dedication to Temple as they made recommendations with common-sense rationales and long-term vision. Citizens were articulate and genuine in their questions and comments. It was clear we are all highly invested in our town and earnest in casting our votes. The counting of ballots took place in full view of the Select Board and attendees, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

These factors added up to good-decision making for Temple as we strive to preserve our rich legacy as a quintessential New England town that is beautiful, rural and residential, welcoming and safe for its residents, business owners and visitors alike. Decisions were reached with an eye to long-term cost effectiveness, appropriate use of taxpayer dollars and conservation of our natural resources.

As a resident of Temple for nearly 50 years, I was moved to see democracy in action on Saturday. I want to publicly thank our moderator, volunteer board and committee members, road agents, police and fire and rescue members. Their hard work and commitment to getting it right for Temple renewed my faith in democracy. I am proud to live, work and play in Temple. Here’s to our bright future together!

Isabella (Boo) Martin 

