Letter: Temple needs John Kieley

Published: 03-16-2023 9:00 AM

I am delighted John Kieley is running for the Temple Select Board. He has shown over the years he has the experience and commitment to Temple by serving as a selectman from 2006 to 2014 and on many other boards, including the Zoning Board, the Planning Board, the Budget Advisory Committee and the Police Board.

But Kieley has not only the experience we need, he is also dedicated to preserving all the hard work of those that have lived in Temple for generations, as well as those, like us, who have lived here for 20 years or less. He has demonstrated that he's fair and will ensure that issues discussed by the Select Board will be transparent to all taxpayers.  He does not believe in favoritism when special permits are submitted, nor does he believe in nepotism.

We've seen Peterborough experience cybercrime, costing the Peterborough taxpayers nearly $1 million. Kieley will ensure that Temple has the systems and controls in place, and the checks and balances necessary to ensure our tax dollars are wisely invested. While he served on the Select Board, the Temple budget increased by a total of 1 percent over nine years.  

In my opinion, we need John Kieley on the Select Board.

Richard Redding

