PHOTOS: Cleaning up Memorial Park

Jethro Matson of New Ipswich rakes rocks from the Memorial Park lower ball field.

Jethro Matson of New Ipswich rakes rocks from the Memorial Park lower ball field. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI

John Pogorzelski of New Ipswich uses a wheelbarrow to remove rocks and debris from the ball field.

John Pogorzelski of New Ipswich uses a wheelbarrow to remove rocks and debris from the ball field. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI

Mt. Monadnock Little League volunteers help to clean up the ball field at Memorial Park in New Ipswich, as part of April's town-wide cleanup, and in anticipation of the spring season.

Mt. Monadnock Little League volunteers help to clean up the ball field at Memorial Park in New Ipswich, as part of April's town-wide cleanup, and in anticipation of the spring season. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—

Matt Oliveira of New Ipswich picks up trash from the strip of green between the playground and ball field.

Matt Oliveira of New Ipswich picks up trash from the strip of green between the playground and ball field. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI

Isaac Oliveira of New Ipswich uses a leaf-blower to disperse pooled water from the field, helping it to dry out in time for the upcoming Little League season.

Isaac Oliveira of New Ipswich uses a leaf-blower to disperse pooled water from the field, helping it to dry out in time for the upcoming Little League season. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI

John Pogorzelski of New Ipswich uses a wheelbarrow to remove rocks and debris from the ball field.

John Pogorzelski of New Ipswich uses a wheelbarrow to remove rocks and debris from the ball field. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI

Bob Heggarty and his son R.J. of New Ipswich help with field cleanup.

Bob Heggarty and his son R.J. of New Ipswich help with field cleanup. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI


Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Published: 04-16-2024 8:16 AM

Mt. Monadnock Little League volunteers helped to clean up the ball field at Memorial Park in New Ipswich Saturday, as part of the town’s April town-wide cleanup, and in anticipation of the spring season.

After a April snowstorm delayed the planned kickoff of the cleanup on April 6, the town’s Parks and Recreation Department moved the official start date to April 13. The cleanup will continue through April 26.

Blue trash bags are available at the town office with a sign-up sheet, so the Department of Public Works knows which roads to visit to collect the trash.

Ashley Saari can be reached at 603-924-7172, Ext. 244 or She’s on X @AshleySaariMLT.

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